
Click here for in-person scheduling updates, and here for information and links to our online services.

Our vision of worship at Highland is refreshingly traditional, musically alive, deeply biblical, and joyfully intergenerational. Our service is centered in the reading of scripture and preaching, and in sharing the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Each service features music that reflects the church’s faith and musical styles from ancient to modern times.

Our congregation comes from a variety of backgrounds and from areas across the Piedmont Triad. Our dress represents this mixture and though many people tend to dress up to worship at Highland, we hope that all will feel welcome to come just as they are in a way that is comfortable to them, whether that is in a dress, suit, Hawaiian shirt, or blue jeans.

Communion: We look forward to gathering at the Table on the first Sunday of each month to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. During communion, the congregation is invited to come forward to one of the stations at the front of the Sanctuary, where you will be given bread and an individual cup with juice. After partaking of the elements there, you may return to your seats by the side aisles. (Gluten- and nut-free bread will be available).

Children Learning to Worship – It’s been said that one learns to play the flute by playing the flute. The same is true for learning to worship. As a way of learning to worship, Highland’s kindergarteners and first graders are invited to join in the Children and Worship program each Sunday morning following the Time for Young Disciples. This new program is located on the third floor in room 307 (across the hall from the Godly Play room). During our time together we follow the order of worship in four movements: Gathering in God’s Name, Hearing & Seeing God’s Word, Responding to God with Thanks, and Going Out into God’s World. By incorporating a Montessori style of learning, our children are learning the ways in which we spend sacred time together taking to God, listening to God and growing together in love and faith.

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For directions to the church, please click here.